Archives for category: Family

The past few days have been a whirlwind of celebrations as both Gloria and Saul had birthdays this past week.  This was the first birthday Gloria has ever celebrated in our home.  The first of many.  I don’t talk about her on here as much as I do the other kids, since she is a bit older and I want to respect her need for privacy.  We are very thankful to have Gloria as  part of our family.  She is a gem.  Very sweet, compassionate, hard-working, responsible, and fun to be around.  Not to mention gorgeous!I am so proud of her, she is growing into a beautiful young women who loves Jesus.  We are honoured that we get to be her parents.

A friend recently asked me how long our commitment to her is for and I quickly answered “forever”.   She’s not just using a room in our house, she is our daughter and we love her so much!  Happy Birthday Gowia (as Brielle says)!

I love fall.  The beauty of leaves changing, cooler days, more tea, Thanksgiving…. all of it.  Sadly it’s  a season that almost doesn’t exist here…  Not outside, in stores, the weather, or a special holiday spent with family.

It’s sad.

Especially since I know exactly what I am missing back in Canada.  I was tempted to ignore Thanksgiving all together but was reminded that if I want my kids to grow up with such fond memories of special holidays, such as Thanksgiving, it’s up to me to make it happen.

I decided to make the best of it.

As a family we cut out leaves and wrote things we were thankful for on them.

When I stop and count my blessings I feel so grateful for all that I have.  God has blessed me with so much and I am truly thankful.

Today we will celebrate, and I will cook my first Thanksgiving meal ever!  I had to buy chickens.  They laughed at me at the store, when I asked if they had turkey, hee hee.  It won’t be the same, but it will be special.

Life is what you make is.

I choose to be thankful!

I love creating, making things with my hands, designing something old to look like new.

It brings me great joy!

A few years ago I realized I could put all those loves into use as I decorated and designed things for my home.

I want my home to be place that reflects my family, make outsiders feel welcome, and can be a creative outlet for all of us.

A couple of years ago I stumbled upon a blog that totally changed my view of how I set up my home.  The house I saw was so unlike any home I had ever seen before.  Ashley Anne’s house is not only beautiful but it displays her love for her family, and her desire to create.    I was inspired.  From then on I decided to let go of what I thought my house was supposed to look like and just be me.  Little by little I have worked on things here and there with what I had on hand to make my home a special place for my family.  I spent a very small amount of money, using second-hand furniture, spray pain, craft stuff I already had and a few little globos (market) treasures to bring life and color inside.  The job will probably never be complete, and I am more than ok with that.  My fried Claudine asked me a few months ago if she could take pictures of the main floor of my house.  I was pretty surprised.  I think most people must think my decorating is so weird.  Nothing is off-limits to me… yogurt containers, a log from my yard, car tires( in my dining room brought in after these photos were taken), anything can be beautiful if you want it too!   I try not to let myself to get too distracted by the projects I want to do.  My time with my kids is short.  At the end of the day what matters most is not the look, but how we as family live life together.

Decorating is a hobby for me. It is fun but not the most important.

I try not to spend too much time on it.  It’s what’s on the inside, between the walls and thrifted items, that really counts.

So those are my thoughts on decorating and design.  Oh and for the record my house is NEVER this clean!Please check out my friend Claudine’s blog.  You can see her post of the photos on her blog here.  She is a fantastic photographer, and is super creative.  (You can google translate her blog into English, that’s what I do)


When we first moved back to Mexico I worked in a daycare.  There were 30 kids in the daycare program from the community who came from many difficult living situations.  The more I got to know each one, the more overwhelmed I became.  Each child had a sad story that included poverty, a broken family and more often than not neglect and abuse.  I had no idea how I could possibly make a difference in so much brokenness.  I did not have the time or resources to help or “save” every child.  It seemed so hopeless.  But…

I could help with one.

Belinda, captured my heart.  I am not sure what it was about her…. maybe her sweet cheerful smile, or how she proudly wore her favorite fancy, button up shirt every single day, or that she was always so quick to give me a hug.

She was special.

The more I talked to her, the more I found out about her life.

She would ask me to pray for her Mama, who was often sick and  for her step dad who was doing drugs and would hurt her mom.

Her stories of her home life would bring me to tears.  I could not imagine that life could be so horrible for a 4-year-old girl.

Belinda looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes and asked me to help her.  I had no idea how.

So I prayed.

Then without really realizing, it I became a part of the answer to her prayers.

I started to visit them.  I got to know her Mom and siblings.  I helped them with what little I could.

When they didn’t have food I brought them some.  When her mom was sick, I prayed.  I asked for help from other ministries and friends back home, to help with school, and uniforms.  I did the little I could.

I told them the truth.  I could help with a little but Jesus loved them and could help with it all.

It started with one.

One little girl.

One little girl became one little family.  

A single mom with 4 kids, trying to survive.  They needed a house.  God provided one.  They moved to a new community called Las Aves.  As we built the house, I fell in love with an entire community.

By now, this family is thriving.  They don’t depend on me.  They depend on Jesus.  They have taught me more about faith then I could ever teach them.  I have heard and seen there bold prayers answered over and over again.  Alta Gracia has experienced the love of Jesus, her life and family has been transformed.  She is a light in an entire community of darkness, where many are quick to receive free handouts but few receive the love and hope of Jesus.

You can see the light in her eyes.  Her smile alone testifies to what God has done in her life.  She dreams of going home to her birth town (down south, in a remote and mountainous area) and telling her family, and community about Jesus and all that He has done for her.

“They don’t know about Jesus,” she tells me, “I have to tell my people!”

“Her people” are known to persecute christians and being closed to foreigners.  They are one of the hardest people groups to reach in Mexico.

It would be nearly impossible for me to reach out to them if I wanted to.

But she can.  This is only the beginning.

One girl….

One family..

One community…

One town….

One people group….

I can not take any credit for what God has done and continues to do in Belinda’s families life.  Jesus is the only one who can restore and transform lives. I was only one of many people who have reached out to love and help this family when they needed it.  But my point is…

It started with one.


I am a Christian.  I don’t like to say I’m religious.

To some, both words mean the same thing, but to me they don’t.

I simply believe in Jesus.

I believe He is the son of God.

I believe the Bible was inspired by God, and that everything in it is true.

That said, I believe that when Jesus said that the greatest commandment  (after loving God ) is “Love each other”  (John 13:34, Matthew 22: 38-39) I should do it.

Jesus  said

“So now I am giving you a new commandment:

Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.

Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. (John 13:34 NLT)

my interpretation….


If I want people to know how much I love Jesus, I shouldn’t have to tell them, they should see it by how I live my life.

How does that look life for me?

It’s keeping my love for Jesus, the center of my life.

Loving my husband and my kids in a way that honors God not myself.

It’s in opening my home and my heart to the people God has placed in my life for as long as He wants them to be.

It’s having open eyes to the reality of this world.  To the parts I would rather not see, especially of those living is severe poverty both spiritually and physically.  But not just seeing… being willing to do something about it.  Even treating them like family, even though we have very little in common.

In giving forgiveness to the people in my life who have hurt me the most and least deserve it.

It’s in admitting I can’t do it on my own. That I am naturally selfish and sometime’s I just don’t want to love.  My own ugly sins gets in the way… especially my pride and desire to control.

Thankfully because of the love Jesus had for me… I can!  I can accept the grace, forgiveness and love!

I keep on receiving.  He keeps on giving.  I can pass it on.


That is what I believe in.

That’s what Jesus asked me to do.  That’s how I want and choose to live.

because LOVE is a lifestyle!

We love mud.  Well, they love mud.   (yes she is trying to taste it)Who can blame them?  Speaking of mud. Sounds like my life right now.


Remember when I said how my life has been turned upside down?  Yep.  I really meant it.

Lots of things going on right now, most I am not ready to talk about yet.  

Nothing horrible, don’t worry.

Just lots of changes and lots of adjusting going on.  Keep us in your prayers.  Check in next week… I have some important things to talk about.  Until then…

So yesterday was Mexican Independence Day.  Big deal around here.  The Mexican equivalent to Canada Day or Independence Day.  I just love how much culture is celebrated on this day.  It is so beautiful.    Basically the holiday is celebrated with many people wearing traditional clothing, authentic mexican food (so so good),  eggs to break, a  parade, and a few different events in the evening that include all the things I just mentioned plus entertainment, music and fire works.  There are a lot of people at these events.

Lots of fun.  We look forward to it every year.  The kids also had an extra day off school. It was a good and busy weekend!

(but I am kind of glad it’s over)Kayden insisted on wearing his pin with his poncho.  Funny!

I rearranged furniture (this is the before)

It rained. (my front street)

We jumped in.

I ignored house work and looked for new recipes.

Best globos find in a while…

Lots of smoothies!Circus

A little visit.



Watermelon popsicles.  Yum.

Looking forward to a long weekend celebrating Mexican Independence Day!

My life feels like it has been turned upside down.  I just can’t believe how quickly things have changed in our home.  At this time last year I had 2 kids at home with me.  I spent lots of time in nearby communities, visiting people and helping where I could.  I could go where I wanted, when I wanted, bringing my 2 kids along with me. Now I have double the amount of kids, 3 of them in school.  We can’t even fit all 6 of us in our vehicle.  I am not  complaining about my new life,  I am actually really happy about it.  It’s just different.  New.  There is a whole lot of adjusting going on in my home right now.. for all if us.  New family member, new routines, new family dynamics, but thankfully not a new husband.  Not sure what I would do without Saul.  We are learning to work as a team like never before and are mastering our tag team parenting skills when one of us needs a break.  So glad we are in this together.  He is an amazing husband and father.  Love him so much!

I have been spending most of my time at home, getting used to all this “new”.  Thankfully the new routine has some rest in it, as it’s just me and Bri every morning for 3 hours.  It’s nice having some time just for us, and it recharges me before the chaos of the afternoon.  I am trying my best to get us all into a new routine, and establishing consistency.  I am even doing some reorganizing, getting rid of the “stuff” we just don’t need.  I hate clutter, and I am trying to omit it from our house…  but of course with 6 of us,  it will never happen!  So, for now, I am happy to decrease the amounts of it.  Trying to bring order and simplicity into what I can, since so many other things are out of control right now.  So that’s what’s “new” with us these days.

It’s not easy, but it is good.

So summer “vacation” may be over, but summer the season is still going on strong around here.  

It’s hot… and I LOVE it!  

We have been spending extra time at the pool, enjoying the warmth while we can.  

Kayden’s best buddy Alex had a birthday pool party last week. Isn’t he cute!

I couldn’t help but capture the simple beauty of the afternoon.  I loved the colors!  I love summer!