“Hey Mom, I need to bring some dead bread to school.”

“Huh? Oh  you mean pan de muertos  (translation: bread of the dead!)  ”

I guess dead bread was a pretty good translation.

November 2 is celebrated as Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead).   It sounds like a spooky, horribly evil day, but I have come to realize that for most people it is simply a day to remember and honor loved ones who have passed away.  Last year I went to the graveyard to see for myself.

This year Kayden had to do a lot of different crafts and activities related to this holiday in school.  We were invited to his class where he had to recite a rhyme we (Saul) had to help him make up about a skeleton. For those who speak spanish…

Fuera, fuera calabera, no me asustes en ese manera,

Dormire tranquilo esta noche, agarra tus llaves y be te en tu coche!

Then he did a dance with his home-made maracas and skull (turned spider man) mask with his classmates.He rocked it!

My favorite part of the holiday is that for over a week you can buy flowers for really cheap.  They are supposed to be for graves, but I buy them for my house.  Why not take advantage of a great deal!  I love seeing them on every street corner.  

Oh and the “dead bread” is often eaten at the gravesite.

I am sure there are a lot of not so good things about this day  that I might not know about but I choose to focus on the good and learn what I can about the culture!